Saturday, October 24, 2009

Family Time Saturday

It sure has been a while since I updated. Over a month...things have been so busy with school and just life in general. All is well though. I am enjoying school. I have met so many new people this year. I have some really special new friends. I have been blessed with a group of friends that are so in love with God. It is amazing. Having people that you can go to just to say 'hey can you pray for this' is a great gift from above. I know that God has put these people in my life. Praise the Lord. This semester is almost over. I can hardly believe it. I am an RA this semester and I am really enjoying it. I have a great group of girls on my floor. The BSU campout is Halloween weekend. It is going to be so much fun. I am really looking forward to it. The costume party is also next week. I'm anxious to see how creative the BSU peeps are.
For all of you guys at Universities---I hope all is well. I miss you guys alot. I know that God is doing great things in your lives. Keep what the God work.
God Blesss.