Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The End is VERY close.

So the end of this year is actually for real here. We had the last BSU luncheon and 707 today. It is bittersweet. I have enjoyed this year so much. I can't even begin to write how much I have learned about myself, life, and people. This year has been an experience to say the least. The BSU end of the year dinner was last night. Lots of memories. Tons of people that I will never forget. I was selected to be on the BSU leadership team. I am pretty excited about that. The people that are on it will be great to work with. They are all wonderful people. The picture below is the new leadership team with Bro.Chris and Bro. Troy.

I will leaving for summer missions soon. Only about a month left to go. I am so ready for God to send me on this awesome adventure. I know it will be AWESOME. Please be in prayer for the people that are going out this summer and for the people that will be leaving ICC in a couple of days. Pray that we will all do what God has planned for us, and it will be for HIS glory. God Bless

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Chapter Closes

So as of tomorrow I am no longer a HOSA state officer. It is going to be such a sad day. I don't know what I am going. HOSA has been such a major part of my life and my school year. I can't believe that it has been three years already. I am going to miss it so much. I will probably never see the other state officers, and that is the hardest thing to accept. I know we say that we will keep in touch, but honestly with all that us college kids do I don't think it's going to happen. I do hope that one day I can come back and chaperone for my dear Monty! HOSA has taught me so much about myself and how to deal with people. It's amazing how people with completly opposite views can come together and lead others. Health care is my passion and I am looking forward to getting in to nursing school and continuing that passionate drive. God Bless.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

I thank the Lord above for this unbeautiful rainy day. I feel like I am closer to God than I have been in a very long time. It's amazing with bible study and prayer can do for a person's spirit. I'm truly counting down the days until I get on that plane and head toward Pac Rim. I desire to see those children come to know Christ. Most days I can hardly wait. On the flip side of that, my little sister made cheerleading yesterday and I am so proud of her. I am going to miss her so much this summer. I know that He holds the plans for my life,but boy is it hard to let go and let God.
I am currently at a hotel in Jackson, MS. This weekend is HOSA SLC. I absolutely love HOSA entirely too much. But, it has been an awesome opportunity. I have been a state officer for a year and on Tuesday I have to give up my title. I know that it will be a sad day for me, because it is ending a chapter in my life. I will miss competition and all the trips we went on very much! I know there are bigger things ahead. I will post a couple of pics below of the state officers in our amazing outfits. I hope that this weekend rocks. God Bless.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Counting Down the Days

School is quickly coming to a close. I can't decide if I am excited about that or not. So many of my friends are moving on to other colleges. It will be a sad day-May 10th...I will make new friends one can replace my old ones :D ya'll know who you are! These last couple of weeks are going to be tough. Pressure to do well is greatly increase with finals coming up in about two weeks. I know I am going to be so stressed. It is so hard to step back and take a break. It will ok though! God will be holding onto me! We had a really good bible study tonight and last week. Those guys surprise me; they are so smart on the Bible. We only have one more bible study left. I am going to miss that this summer. I am really looking forward to my trip. Only about 50 more days. That's a little less than the time I will spend there. Please pray for the students going out this summer to spread HIS word. I know we will be blessed for He is MIGHTY. I can only imagine how awesome this experience is going to be! Luncheon is tomorrow and I am excited about that for sure. I look forward to luncheon each week. So people come through that BSU. I hope that something we do brings somebody to the straight and narrow. I hope that He blesses you this week. Take Care. God Bless.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

LTC was this weekend. It was great. I got to meet the girl I will be spending my summer with during major work. I am really beginning to see how much of change is going to take place in me this summer. It almost scares me, but I know that He will be with me where ever I go. I loved meeting so many people with the heart and desire for what my heart desires. I learned a lot about what to expect this summer. I am starting to count down the days until my plan takes off for the Pac Rim. I hope this week is great and HE bless.