Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where has the time gone?!

---8 days until Christmas---
I can hardly believe that it is time for Christmas again. Life is going by too fast. I was thinking early this week how things have changed so much over the last two years. The older I get the more I see that there are people in your life are going to be there through thick and thin and then there are other people in your life whom you thought would always be there...but they won't be....they move on to "better" things. I have realized that the friends that matter the most to me know what matters the most in my life. I love them more each day, and I know that God has placed them in my life. Everything seems to be changing so fast. I am getting older quickly...and planning a wedding!!!!! All of which are huge things. I am so happy with my life. God continues to bless me and my family. Christmas time helps to remind me that the blessings of life are so precious, and I should not take advantage of them. There are many people in and around my community that are sick. Many have been diagnoised with cancer just this week. Thank you Lord for my family's health. I hope that all is well with your families this Christmas. Remember what the reason for the season is!
**So I have my grades!! Only one B and an A in 5 classes. I am super pumped. It helped my GPA a lot. Next semester is going to be hard. I am going to be taking a CNA class so I can start working in the nursing field asap. I am excited about it, but I know it is going be stressful. Please pray that I will be successful in this class, along with my other academics.

--So I'm not even sure that anybody reads this blog anymore....sorta thinking about deleting it...idk...--

Merry Christmas.
God Bless.

Monday, December 7, 2009

No need for a title

so i watched a pretty amazing video on chad mccoy's profile a minute ago. it was pretty awesome. brought tears to my eyes. my Jesus is amazing. i have been so stressed with school. finals are here and i am not excited about that one. i haven't blogged in forever. i missed you blog! i was not very excited about this time of the year this year...the holidays...this was pappaw's favorite time of the year. i knew it was going to be hard without him here this year. thanksgiving was a blessing, being with my family and being able to eat and be filled. but in my heart i miss pappaw so much. saturday was the ecru christmas parade. for those of you that knew my pappaw, you know that the christmas parade is what we worked so hard for. we put up lights every year because pappaw wanted people to enjoy seeing his yard decorated. but this year not a single light lit my grandparents home. we just couldn't bring ourselves to even get the boxes out. i know that pappaw will have the best christmas ever in the arms of Jesus but oh how my soul misses him. i don't even know why i am putting all this on here but i just need to get it all out and i guess this is the easiest way for me. cherish your family. being in a foreign country this summer taught me two things- love your family and be thankful that you are an american. we are blessed beyond belief. God has given me so much and i deserve nothing but a horrible death. but God is merciful thank you Lord. i hope that each of you have a wonderful week. good luck on your finals! :D love you all. God Bless.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Family Time Saturday

It sure has been a while since I updated. Over a month...things have been so busy with school and just life in general. All is well though. I am enjoying school. I have met so many new people this year. I have some really special new friends. I have been blessed with a group of friends that are so in love with God. It is amazing. Having people that you can go to just to say 'hey can you pray for this' is a great gift from above. I know that God has put these people in my life. Praise the Lord. This semester is almost over. I can hardly believe it. I am an RA this semester and I am really enjoying it. I have a great group of girls on my floor. The BSU campout is Halloween weekend. It is going to be so much fun. I am really looking forward to it. The costume party is also next week. I'm anxious to see how creative the BSU peeps are.
For all of you guys at Universities---I hope all is well. I miss you guys alot. I know that God is doing great things in your lives. Keep what the God work.
God Blesss.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Schooling In September

Man! Where has my time gone? School is flying by. I guess that old saying is true. The older you get the faster time passes you by. Everything in my life is going really well. I am basically back into my school routine now, which is a wonderful thing. It took a bit to get used to being in the USA again. We are so blessed.
Being engaged is amazing. I love spending time with Thomas and our families. We have set a wedding date. June 4, 2011. It is still a good way off but I am super excited. My mama and I have started buying things already. I am loving every minute of it though.
The first home football game at Ole Miss is tomorrow. I can hardly wait. Hotty Toddy! Thomas is a senior this year! OH MY! :D I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
* Please remember my friend Erika tomorrow. She is coming home from the hospital.
God Bless!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally Friday

So it is a wonderful Friday. I am so glad to be home. This week has been pretty stressful. I took my first test in most of my classes this week. I did rather well. Actually, I was pretty surprised at how well I did. I think this semester is off to a good start, brightens my day! This week was really good though. Band practice was intense- as always. The Northeast game is coming up soon, and we have to be looking good! I will be glad to get that one behind us. I was on duty last night, and I find the conversations over the radio at 3 am very interesting. It always amazing me--the things that go on at a Community College in the middle of the night. I love ICC. I am going to be sad when it is my time to depart--I don't think that will be anytime soon though. ha ha.

I catch myself being lost in thought a lot lately. Most of the time not about tangible things..just ideas and images of what I want to come in the future. I find it strangely comforting to just sit and let my mind wonder. Never would I have done that before this summer. I guess being away from all technology for so long has taught me to chill out a bit. Why is there so much stress during college? I feel like I'm faced with life changing choices on a daily basis. I think the older I get the more I realize how important my actions are and how my actions effect those around me. Bro Troy spoke about wearing masks at 707 on Wednesday. It made me stop and thing about the things that I do and say on a daily basis. Do my actions reflect the World or do my actions reflect Christ? It is a real struggle to live for Christ day in and day out. This world is full of temptations. Anna and I are going to be teaching a bible study this semester about the temptations a Freshman in college faces. It is my prayer that we can influence this group of Freshman to live for Christ- even when it's tough. That is so hard to do, but I think if we can reach out and support them along with God then they can do it. Please pray that this bible study will work in the lives of the Freshman on the campus of ICC. I want God work through Anna and myself.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Take Care! God Bless.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25...Almost a month

I have been back in the USA for almost a month. I have come to the conclusion that it is a lot easier to live for God among foreigners than it is to live at home with my friends and family. I get so mad at myself for just not living in God's image. Why is it so hard to be a Christian? I want this year to count for Christ, and so far I don't think that I am doing enough. I am starting my second year of college, and I am not where I thought I would be. Isn't it funny how God gets our attention? I am so blessed. I could never give God enough praise for the things He taught me this summer. I pray that those lessons stick with me, burned deep within my heart. I look at things everyday; I use things everyday that I know people who don't have access to those things. Why is it so easy to take our blessed lives for granted? Please take time out of your day to count your blessings.

School is so busy already. I don't think that my semester is going to be a stressful as the last two though. Our first football game is Thursday, and I am pretty pumped about it. I hope that we perform the halftime show well. I am sure there will be a ton of people there. My family will be there at least! They are such great supporters!

To all my friends that are at Universities: Have a great week! I miss you all! :D

God Bless.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The end is very near.

I only have 3 days left at the orphanage. I can't believe that my summer is almost over. This week has been spent going to refugee camps and sharing the gospel each afternoon. My nights have been spent sitting in the girls bedroom talking with some of the older girls. They are all begging me to stay here. But, I must return home. There would be many unhappy folks if I stayed!
I will be flying to another island for debrief on Sunday. It is really difficult for me to think that I have been in another country, away from my loved ones for almost two months. WOW GOD! It has been an amazing experience. I am looking forward to going home though. But, my work in this place is not done until I get onto the plane to fly home. It has been tough to keep focus on the tasks at hand with the smell of home so close!
I have really enjoyed my summer and the team that I was put with. I hope that our lives will keep in touch. We are all going different directions when we go home, but this summer will forever keep us together in our minds. I hope that all the other people serving out there finish well! Phil. 3:10-14! God Bless.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wonderful Blessings

This week has been wonderful. We have been in the orphanage all week. We haven't had much to do, because to our surpise the only children there are the middle schoolers. The other children won't be coming back until the 21st. We weren't expecting that, but it has been nice to have some time to relax and just hang out.
I have really enjoyed this week. I feel like I have truly built relationships with the people in the orphanage. It brightens my day to sit with them. It doesn't matter that I can't speak their language. I can show His love through my presence. Isn't that AWESOME! I am not looking forward to the end of my time here. I am ready to see America, but it is going to be tough to leave my new friends. Please pray that God will give me a strength to depart.
For the past two nights, I along with my Indonesian dictionary, have been sitting on the back porch with the most precious girl, Amena. We have talked about as much as we can, and it has been in Indonesian. I am so thankful that God made her patient, because I have to tell her to wait after every few words. Then, I proceed to look up their meaning in my dictionary. I love every minute of it though. I want to impact this girl's life. I want her to know that she can grow up and live for Christ. It is my prayer that she will see Christ in my team and myself. Please pray for her!
We traveled to the refugee camps at the beginning of the week. We told the story of Christ's death and resurection. I don't know if any of the children made a profession of faith, but we planted those seeds into their hearts. God can take care of the rest!
All of the children will be coming back this weekend. I am pretty excited to see them. My days here are almost to the single digits! WOW! Where has the time gone?! I want to finish out my time here with the utter most happiness. Please pray that I will remain focused on the task at hand, and not on returning home.
***To all my friends out there serving--Continue with your task. Know that I am praying for you! I know that you are doing mighty things- greater than you realize! Love you all! God Bless.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A week in the Village

I just spent a wonderful week in the village by the ocean. God has been so good to me this week. It is truely amazing the way He provides my needs over and over. The children are all so wonderful. We stayed there for 7 days. During those 7 days, I bonded with a beautiful little girl named Nona. I am going to miss her very much. The village was tough at times, but I believe that God put me there to show me just how strong He is in my life. I have really seen how much I have taken for granted in America. I can't even begin to describe the conditions of the village. It was a lot better than I expected, but at the same time it was so lacking in what I have become acustomed to back home. I enjoyed being in the village because life is more important than things. It was more important to have a conversation with someone than anything else. I love that.
I got to be a nurse to about 10 children. These little boys and girls have sores on their legs. I believe that the sores probably start as a cut or something small. But, because of the dirt and lack of medical supplies, the sore has become infected. I saw a sore on Nona's leg and cleaned it and bandaged it. It wasn't long before she must have told her friends and word spread. A lot of the children would go and get friends and bring them to me. It was the best feeling in the world. Some of the children had cuts that were already healed but they wanted a band-aid. You better believe that I gave them one too! I can only imagine what that small band-aid means to those precious children.
I am so thankful for all that I have been blessed with. We taught the children bible stories each day. I want them to know who Jesus is but more importantly I want to know that Jesus loves them. My goal for this summer was and still is to constantly give the love that Christ would. I pray that those little boys and girls felt the love of Jesus through me.
We are back in the orphanage for the remainder of the summer. It's only about 2 weeks. I can hardly believe that I have been here for over a month. God has taught me so much in such a short time. I have learned some life lessons this summer. I have seen things that I will never forget. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I hope that I can share my story and encourage others to "Go to the ends of the World" and share Jesus's love!
I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Share His Love Daily! God Bless!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Finally an Update!

I am sure that many of you are wondering what I have been doing since I got here because I have not been able to truly update my wonderful blog. Well here goes.

We have been in the village for the past couple of days. It was a really long drive through rough and steep mountains. The only time I was terrified was when we climbed over this wooden bridge in the two ton van. It had broken boards and places with no boards. It was pretty scary!
While in the village, we had Sunday school with the village children. I would say that there are over 100 of them. They range in age from babies to 14 or 15. We tell bible stories and sing songs. Wednesday, we walked through the village praying. We shared with one family and we walked to the well to get water with the lady. It was a hike!
Thursday night we had devotion with the people that live close to the house we were staying in. There were about 15 people gathered there to listen to us. The story of the prodigal son was told and we sang several songs.
We have been blessed to have a bed, plenty of food, and adequate shelter. There is still a lot of prayer needs and seeds to plant.
The 24th marked a year that Thomas and I have been engaged. God is so good. I am so glad to have that man in my life. He is so precious to me. Remember him this week; he is on a M trip also.
I celebrated my 19th birthday in the village with my team. They woke me up singing Happy Birthday and bearing home made birthday cards. We got a hotel in the city and ordered room service later that day! It was a really good birthday.

This summer is continuing to be an experience of growth. There are many things that I am glad my eyes have been opened to. I have four weeks left here, and it is my prayer that God will continue to do a work in and through me and my team. I am anxious to tell all His wonderful works of the summer, and to see what else He has in store for the remainder of the summer.

Keep Praying! God Bless!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

God is Bigger than I thought

I am having a blessed time doing His work. I am with children 24/7. There is much to do here but it will be done in His time and in His way. Basically I spend time with kids and go into villages and tell bible stories to kids. Then we play games. It is great to see their faces light up! I am so blessed to have all the He has given me back in the States. Please continue to pray that my team will seek Him first! God Bless!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am here and so is God

The first week has been amazing. God is doing a work here. We are teaching stories in two villages and living in an orphanage. I can't wait to tell everyone all the stories when I get home. Pray that God will give the children understanding of the stories because they do not speak English and we have a translator. God is here with us and I know that He is blessing this summer. I miss you all and I hope that you are having a good summer also. God Bless!

Monday, June 1, 2009

It is finally here.

 Well, there are so many things that I want to say but don't know how.  I am sitting at a hotel with the most important people in my life- My Parents, little sister, and My future husband.  It is going to be so hard to leave them in a few short hours.  I have faith that God will give us strength.  My dear Nanna and Poppa came to say good bye today.  It was so tough of them.  They are so precious.  Please remember them in your prayers.  I am really looking forward to getting to my final destination.  The next couple of days are going to be rough for sure.  It will be ok though.  A couple of my friends have updated about their destinations, and they are all doing good. To God be the Glory for that.  I hope that you all have a great week.  Hopefully, I will be writing from another place real soon :D GOD bless.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Packing is too much

I have packed my bag for this summer and it is super heavy. I weighted it by standing on the scale and holding it. The scale says that it only weighs 40 lbs. But, my arm beggs to differ. I will be leaving on Monday afternoon to head north. I catch my flight around 9 on Tuesday morning. I can't believe that it's already time to leave. 52 days is going to seem like no time. A lot of the SM have already gotten to their destinations. I wish you all the best. May He watch over and guide you each day.
Please continue to remember us in your daily thoughts. We are doing an awesome thing. I know that I will be forever changed, and I am running full speed into this experience. My team leader is leaving on Saturday morning. Remember her as she travels. Have a great weekend. God Bless.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


The days are rushing by me like a whirlwind. I leave for PacRim in 10 days. That means that tomorrow I will be in single digits. WOW! I can not believe that it has gotten here so fast. It has been such a long process. Lots of prayer for this trip. I have absolutly no clue what this summer is going to be like. I know that He will go with me, and I am so excited. Thomas and I went to eat with one of my team members and her boyfriend. We had a great time, and I am really looking forward to spending this summer with her. Please pray for the ones that have already left for their quests this summer. There are many! I am so proud of all of them. It takes a lot of commitment to give up your summer when you are a college student. I hope that I can update this summer! Don't forget to read my team blog we will be there on June 2, 2009 until July 29, 2009! God Bless!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun with Friends

Last night I went to a get together at McGee's. I absolutely love my friends so much. I can't even express what those people mean in my life. This summer is going to be long without them! I hope that they all have wonderful summers doing whatever He has planned. It was a sad time when I had to go home. A lot of those precious people are going to other places this fall. Boy am I going to miss them!!!! Hopefully we can visit! I leave for Pac Rim in 14 days. I can't believe it. I have confirmed airline tickets. That made it sink it a little bit. I just don't think it has hit me yet that I am going to another place for eight weeks without my family or the love of my life. But, the lover of my soul will be with me. I am excited and terrified all at the same time. Have a great day people. Show His love. God Bless

Saturday, May 16, 2009

17 days and counting...

So I am sitting at work. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. I am certain that I do not get paided to write my blog, but since there is nothing left to do I thought I would. My church is having a get together tonight for me and Kyle, who is another SM from our church. I am looking forward to seeing my friends from college. I miss the gang a lot! I can't believe that I am leaving for foreign soil in 17 days. It is getting here too fast. I ask myself everyday if I am ready to go and my answer is always the same. How can I be completly ready for the unknown? It's pretty amazing that I am going to experience something like this. I am supposed to be going on a double date with Krista- my partner for the summer- this week. I am pumped about it too. She is a really cool person. Eight weeks together! It's gonna to be something. We also have another team member named Emily. I haven't met her yet. But I will very SOON!!! O my goodness. I hope that I can pack enough days with Thomas in the next two weeks. He is going on a trip on Saturday for a week. ;( I am going to miss him so much this summer. How do you leave your future husband for eight weeks, not knowing when you will talk to him again? Getting on the plane is going to be terrible. It will probably be one of the hardest things I will ever do. But He will be there holding me up. It's going to be a life changing summer. God Bless.

* we have a blog for this summer-- -- check it out! :D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sappy Saturday

I have had a great couple of days. Thomas and I went to the zoo on Friday and I had such a wonderful time. It was so great, spending time together. We were like a couple of kids. Sweetness. I loved every minute of it. I believe that the meer cats were my favorite part of the zoo. They were so cute. But, the aquarium was my second for sure. I have tons of pics. Haven't uploaded them yet. I will get to that sometime and put some up on here! The summer is fastly approaching. I am taking a intercession class. It starts on Monday at 8 am. Lasts ten days. It should be barrels of fun....not. I must do what I must do though. I really hope that I get into nursing school this fall. Got to run. Will write longer later. God Bless.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What will I do?!

So it is finals week and it has been crazy. I have one more final and I am so ready to get it out of the way. I have to pack up my things and head out of this dorm tomorrow. I am going to be sad. SO many of my friends are leaving. I know that God has huge plans for them. The BSU is going to be different next semester. But, I am looking forward to meeting new people--favorite thing to do!- I leave for summer missions really soon. 27 days to be exact. I can't believe that it is almost here. It blows my mind that I am spending my summer in another country with two complete strangers. God's plans are so amazing. I am getting sadder as the days go by. I have gotten to know some wonderful people this year. I hope that we stay in touch, because they are so wonderful. My heart is so full of so many thoughts and emotions. I am not a person who likes change. Ever since I came to college, things are constantly changing. As soon as I get things set like I want them, they change. I believe this is God's way of teaching me to become a more flexible person. This year has changed me from the inside out. The BSU has been my place to gather strenght and encouragement. It helps so much to know that there are Christian my age that are fighting the exact same battles as me. Thank you God for my wonderful love. For those of you moving away--may you follow the path God has made. For those of you returning- may next year be even better than the last. God Bless.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The End is VERY close.

So the end of this year is actually for real here. We had the last BSU luncheon and 707 today. It is bittersweet. I have enjoyed this year so much. I can't even begin to write how much I have learned about myself, life, and people. This year has been an experience to say the least. The BSU end of the year dinner was last night. Lots of memories. Tons of people that I will never forget. I was selected to be on the BSU leadership team. I am pretty excited about that. The people that are on it will be great to work with. They are all wonderful people. The picture below is the new leadership team with Bro.Chris and Bro. Troy.

I will leaving for summer missions soon. Only about a month left to go. I am so ready for God to send me on this awesome adventure. I know it will be AWESOME. Please be in prayer for the people that are going out this summer and for the people that will be leaving ICC in a couple of days. Pray that we will all do what God has planned for us, and it will be for HIS glory. God Bless

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Chapter Closes

So as of tomorrow I am no longer a HOSA state officer. It is going to be such a sad day. I don't know what I am going. HOSA has been such a major part of my life and my school year. I can't believe that it has been three years already. I am going to miss it so much. I will probably never see the other state officers, and that is the hardest thing to accept. I know we say that we will keep in touch, but honestly with all that us college kids do I don't think it's going to happen. I do hope that one day I can come back and chaperone for my dear Monty! HOSA has taught me so much about myself and how to deal with people. It's amazing how people with completly opposite views can come together and lead others. Health care is my passion and I am looking forward to getting in to nursing school and continuing that passionate drive. God Bless.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

I thank the Lord above for this unbeautiful rainy day. I feel like I am closer to God than I have been in a very long time. It's amazing with bible study and prayer can do for a person's spirit. I'm truly counting down the days until I get on that plane and head toward Pac Rim. I desire to see those children come to know Christ. Most days I can hardly wait. On the flip side of that, my little sister made cheerleading yesterday and I am so proud of her. I am going to miss her so much this summer. I know that He holds the plans for my life,but boy is it hard to let go and let God.
I am currently at a hotel in Jackson, MS. This weekend is HOSA SLC. I absolutely love HOSA entirely too much. But, it has been an awesome opportunity. I have been a state officer for a year and on Tuesday I have to give up my title. I know that it will be a sad day for me, because it is ending a chapter in my life. I will miss competition and all the trips we went on very much! I know there are bigger things ahead. I will post a couple of pics below of the state officers in our amazing outfits. I hope that this weekend rocks. God Bless.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Counting Down the Days

School is quickly coming to a close. I can't decide if I am excited about that or not. So many of my friends are moving on to other colleges. It will be a sad day-May 10th...I will make new friends one can replace my old ones :D ya'll know who you are! These last couple of weeks are going to be tough. Pressure to do well is greatly increase with finals coming up in about two weeks. I know I am going to be so stressed. It is so hard to step back and take a break. It will ok though! God will be holding onto me! We had a really good bible study tonight and last week. Those guys surprise me; they are so smart on the Bible. We only have one more bible study left. I am going to miss that this summer. I am really looking forward to my trip. Only about 50 more days. That's a little less than the time I will spend there. Please pray for the students going out this summer to spread HIS word. I know we will be blessed for He is MIGHTY. I can only imagine how awesome this experience is going to be! Luncheon is tomorrow and I am excited about that for sure. I look forward to luncheon each week. So people come through that BSU. I hope that something we do brings somebody to the straight and narrow. I hope that He blesses you this week. Take Care. God Bless.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

LTC was this weekend. It was great. I got to meet the girl I will be spending my summer with during major work. I am really beginning to see how much of change is going to take place in me this summer. It almost scares me, but I know that He will be with me where ever I go. I loved meeting so many people with the heart and desire for what my heart desires. I learned a lot about what to expect this summer. I am starting to count down the days until my plan takes off for the Pac Rim. I hope this week is great and HE bless.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

me and mama

I spent a wonderful afternoon with my mama. We had some much fun together. We were supposed to be shopping for Easter dresses. We were laughing some much. It was great to spend some time with her with no worries. Finally, we got what we went shopping for and headed for our traditional supper. We always go to Olive Garden. I think we love it too much! I love spending that time with my mama. It shocks me sometimes at how much we are alike! I don't mind though...I think lol. This week is going to be so busy. LTC is this weekend and I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully, it will NOT rain. The bed is calling my name...God Bless.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Precious Pappaw

Pappaw passed from this old world on March 27, 2009. I know he is with Jesus as I write this. Over 700 people came to his visitation. It was amazing. I am sad that he won't be with me anymore but he was a blessing in my life. I am glad that the Lord saw fit to take him from us. He had gotten so sick and I know that he is in a glorified body. He can walk on his own two perfect feet, free of cancer. I loved my pappaw dearly but I wouldn't bring him back for one second. I know God has a plan. Pappaw's funeral was today and it was nothing short of a blessing. There were people shouting all over that church. It was a celebration of the life he lived and the man he was. I will never forget my pappaw and I know I will see him again one day.
God Bless!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I haven't updated in a while. Spring break mission trip was amazing. I really loved working for other people and it wasn't always the best work. I got dirty and I painted and it was all for His glory. God is so amazing. I have bonded with people on that trip and it was AWESOME. I love being surrounded with people who love God. San Francisco was an eye opening experience. It was nothing like good ole Mississippi! I wonder what the Lord has in store for me this summer. I ask for your prayers that the Lord would work through me and I might be able to minister to some sweet child. Since I came back from San Fran life has been in over drive. I was only home for two days of spring break but I got to hang out with my parents and baby sister. I love them so much. I didn't realize just how much they mean to me until I went to college. No matter how many fights me and my sister get into I miss her during the week. She is like my baby. Family is such a gift from God. Pappaw is not doing so good. I really hope that the Lord allows him to leave this world in peace. It hurts so bad knowing that his days are numbered. I don't know how to say goodbye to him. I know God will be with me and my family. It's so hard for my human mind to comprehend the gracious love and mercy of my MIGHTY GOD. I do know that no matter what the next couple of weeks hold God will be there. I just want Him to wrap me in His loving arms. Please pray for my family.

Upcoming events.....LTC is next weekend and I am looking forward to it. I have to go to Jackson a day early for summer mission training. I hope I get to meet someone that is going to Indonesia. I hear that LTC is an awesome experience. I can hardly wait. BSU has been my safe place this year. I dont know what I would have done without some of the messages that Bro. Troy has shared with us. My bible study group is wonderful. I look forward to it each week. I have learned some great things from what we have studied and what other people have pointed out. It's so good to be around people my age that are so rooted in the living word of God.

God Bless.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am currently sitting in the airport at Birmingham AL. My flight group along with Bro. Chris's flight group is anxiously awaiting our departure. It isn't until 2:50 and it is currently 11:30. It's going to be a long day. I am so tired already. I didn't sleep good last night. I was so excited and I kept going over what I had packed. I probably forgot something but it will be ok. I hope everyone has a good spring break. God Bless

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pappaw's Birthday

Pappaw is 87 today. All of the Grants came to Mammaw's today to see him. He was asleep when I got there. When he finally woke up everyone was telling him happy birthday and he refused to know that he is 87 now. He was making us all laugh. I had to cut my visit short because I had to go to work and we were so busy! It has been such a long day. I love this weather right now. San Fransisco is coming soon and I can hardly wait. I havent been anywhere in a while, and I am really looking forward to it! It is going to be so expensive though! Oh well. I only have one life to I hope this week is good and that everything goes well. Until tomorrow God Bless


Friday, March 6, 2009


I am so glad that it is Friday! I was in desperate need of a weekend break! I left school and went straight to see Pappaw. He was asleep and he has slept almost all day! He is so precious when he sleeps, peaceful like a child. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. He is doing alright. So many people have brought food to Mammaw's house. God's Family is so amazing. It helps us be stronger knowing that people really do care. Cooking a simple dish can mean so much at a time like this. I don't know how people live without the mercy and grace of the Lord. I know I couldn't do it. I was walking to class today admiring the beautiful day, and it just overwhelmed me. God is so amazing, and HE created all this amazing stuff for you and I when we didn't deserve it. I love Him so much for giving me those little thoughts that unlift me. I am so unworthy. I hope that others can see how big God is in my life. Among all the things going on in my life, I want to live for God and let Him have the glory for all things He does. Have a great weekend! God Bless!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One day closer to the weekend.

GOOD NEWS!! Pappaw got to come home yesterday. Hospice was set up at my grandparents house. It makes things a lot easier on my parents. I am looking forward to seeing him and actually seeing for myself that he is making it okay. My mom told me that he is eating very well and he has been talking a lot. That is good. I have really missed my family this week. Being at college gets to me sometimes. But, I love it because of all of my AWESOME friends! :D! Today has been such a blah day. I haven't felt like doing anything, and I had to go to class. The San Fransisco trip is approaching fast! I am excited about that and the time away from classes and teachers. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Take care. God Bless.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Typical Tuesday

Well I overslept this morning and I missed my microbiology lab...o well! I will make it up tomorrow. Today was a pretty good day. I haven't done much! It was hard to get out of the bed today. I will be so glad when I can sleep late....don't know when that day will be! Pappaw is getting to come home sometime to day. That is a bit of praise. It will be easier on the family to have him at home. Please continue to remember us during this time. I having been following the story of Jordan Lindsey. His family blesses my heart. You should read his story at I know it will bless your heart also. There are so many families going through sickness and deaths right now. I have never seen anything like it. My roomate, Emily, lost her cousin this weekend. It has really been hard for her family. Another friend of mine, Carlye, lost a close friend. Please remember these precious people. On a happier note-- I leave for San Fransisco CA in eight days! I am so excited. I really hope that God works through our group as we work at the seminary. I love the people I am going with and I can hardly wait. I am going to miss Thomas though...He is my fiance! It's amazing that we have been together for 5 years...PRECIOUS! I hope the weather is good during spring break. I want to go to the zoo so bad. I'm such a little kid. haha! I must go finish my college algebra homework. God Bless!


Monday, March 2, 2009

first blog..

So I have never had a real blog. But, I decided that I could probably use one right now. I found out yesterday that my 86 year old grandfather has a brain tumor. It was the hardest news I have ever heard. It doesn't look good for him. To understand the impact this had on me, you must understand how close my family is. We are a very close family. My mammaw fixes lunch at her house for 10-15 of us every other week. I love my grandparents dearly. If you hurt one of us, then you will get hurt. We stick together. Today has been a tough day. I was with Pappaw when he was admitted to the hospital on Saturday, and I was standing in the hospital room when the doctor gave my father the news last night. My daddy is a strong man, but I know that he is hurting. It's so hard to know what to do or what to say. There are no words that can change the situation. I have cried, and I have prayed, and I have just sat and thought. I want to see Pappaw as much as I can because we don't know how much time he has left. God is my strenght right now. It is so hard to give a burden this big to the Lord. But, I know He will take care of it. God can pick me up and take me through this battle. I love the Lord so much. I don't know how I could live my life without His mercy and grace. Prayer is the only thing that will get my family through this trial. I ask that you would please pray. I am going to try and get some sleep....God bless.
