Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where has the time gone?!

---8 days until Christmas---
I can hardly believe that it is time for Christmas again. Life is going by too fast. I was thinking early this week how things have changed so much over the last two years. The older I get the more I see that there are people in your life are going to be there through thick and thin and then there are other people in your life whom you thought would always be there...but they won't be....they move on to "better" things. I have realized that the friends that matter the most to me know what matters the most in my life. I love them more each day, and I know that God has placed them in my life. Everything seems to be changing so fast. I am getting older quickly...and planning a wedding!!!!! All of which are huge things. I am so happy with my life. God continues to bless me and my family. Christmas time helps to remind me that the blessings of life are so precious, and I should not take advantage of them. There are many people in and around my community that are sick. Many have been diagnoised with cancer just this week. Thank you Lord for my family's health. I hope that all is well with your families this Christmas. Remember what the reason for the season is!
**So I have my grades!! Only one B and an A in 5 classes. I am super pumped. It helped my GPA a lot. Next semester is going to be hard. I am going to be taking a CNA class so I can start working in the nursing field asap. I am excited about it, but I know it is going be stressful. Please pray that I will be successful in this class, along with my other academics.

--So I'm not even sure that anybody reads this blog anymore....sorta thinking about deleting it...idk...--

Merry Christmas.
God Bless.

Monday, December 7, 2009

No need for a title

so i watched a pretty amazing video on chad mccoy's profile a minute ago. it was pretty awesome. brought tears to my eyes. my Jesus is amazing. i have been so stressed with school. finals are here and i am not excited about that one. i haven't blogged in forever. i missed you blog! i was not very excited about this time of the year this year...the holidays...this was pappaw's favorite time of the year. i knew it was going to be hard without him here this year. thanksgiving was a blessing, being with my family and being able to eat and be filled. but in my heart i miss pappaw so much. saturday was the ecru christmas parade. for those of you that knew my pappaw, you know that the christmas parade is what we worked so hard for. we put up lights every year because pappaw wanted people to enjoy seeing his yard decorated. but this year not a single light lit my grandparents home. we just couldn't bring ourselves to even get the boxes out. i know that pappaw will have the best christmas ever in the arms of Jesus but oh how my soul misses him. i don't even know why i am putting all this on here but i just need to get it all out and i guess this is the easiest way for me. cherish your family. being in a foreign country this summer taught me two things- love your family and be thankful that you are an american. we are blessed beyond belief. God has given me so much and i deserve nothing but a horrible death. but God is merciful thank you Lord. i hope that each of you have a wonderful week. good luck on your finals! :D love you all. God Bless.