Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hope you missed this...haha

1. I am entirely too busy with school and work.
2. Spring Break is coming quickly! :D
3. I am almost a certified nursing assistant.
4. Clinical experience is nothing like what you read in the textbook.
5. 468 days until I am Mrs. Thomas Chandler.
6. Planning a wedding is insane.
7. I need a major vacation.
8. I could drink a gallon of sweet tea right now.
9. My valentine's day was wonderful.
10. Courtney Brooke is getting married in less than 3 months :D!
11. There is nothing in this world like true friendships.
12. My Lord told me that He would never give me more than I can withstand, but my sometimes he certainly piles it on!
13. When life gets busy, why is my Bible reading the first thing that slacks?
14. My heart misses Indonesia. real bad.
15. There are 9 weeks of school left for this semester.
16. I can not pick the colors that I want to use for my wedding :(
17. Little sisters grow up too fast. Jessi will be 14 this year
18. Oh no! She is going to HIGH SCHOOL!!
19. We should be allowed to have pets in the dorms.
20. I love the rain, except when I must go to class. lol
21. Dave Barnes- you have an amazing voice.
22. Russian violinist-Alexander-I have his autograph. :D
23. Did I mention that I will be married in 468 days?
24. This blog is so random.
25. Sorry it has been so long!

Have a great week faithful blog reader.
God Bless.

A Grant