Sunday, June 28, 2009

Finally an Update!

I am sure that many of you are wondering what I have been doing since I got here because I have not been able to truly update my wonderful blog. Well here goes.

We have been in the village for the past couple of days. It was a really long drive through rough and steep mountains. The only time I was terrified was when we climbed over this wooden bridge in the two ton van. It had broken boards and places with no boards. It was pretty scary!
While in the village, we had Sunday school with the village children. I would say that there are over 100 of them. They range in age from babies to 14 or 15. We tell bible stories and sing songs. Wednesday, we walked through the village praying. We shared with one family and we walked to the well to get water with the lady. It was a hike!
Thursday night we had devotion with the people that live close to the house we were staying in. There were about 15 people gathered there to listen to us. The story of the prodigal son was told and we sang several songs.
We have been blessed to have a bed, plenty of food, and adequate shelter. There is still a lot of prayer needs and seeds to plant.
The 24th marked a year that Thomas and I have been engaged. God is so good. I am so glad to have that man in my life. He is so precious to me. Remember him this week; he is on a M trip also.
I celebrated my 19th birthday in the village with my team. They woke me up singing Happy Birthday and bearing home made birthday cards. We got a hotel in the city and ordered room service later that day! It was a really good birthday.

This summer is continuing to be an experience of growth. There are many things that I am glad my eyes have been opened to. I have four weeks left here, and it is my prayer that God will continue to do a work in and through me and my team. I am anxious to tell all His wonderful works of the summer, and to see what else He has in store for the remainder of the summer.

Keep Praying! God Bless!


  1. This is great girl! You are doing an awesome thing! I miss you and I can't wait to hear all about your stories! I have some to share too. Can we please have a story sharing party when we all get home! Love you Miss you!

  2. So proud of you little Ashley. Love you dearly! See you soon!
