Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A week in the Village

I just spent a wonderful week in the village by the ocean. God has been so good to me this week. It is truely amazing the way He provides my needs over and over. The children are all so wonderful. We stayed there for 7 days. During those 7 days, I bonded with a beautiful little girl named Nona. I am going to miss her very much. The village was tough at times, but I believe that God put me there to show me just how strong He is in my life. I have really seen how much I have taken for granted in America. I can't even begin to describe the conditions of the village. It was a lot better than I expected, but at the same time it was so lacking in what I have become acustomed to back home. I enjoyed being in the village because life is more important than things. It was more important to have a conversation with someone than anything else. I love that.
I got to be a nurse to about 10 children. These little boys and girls have sores on their legs. I believe that the sores probably start as a cut or something small. But, because of the dirt and lack of medical supplies, the sore has become infected. I saw a sore on Nona's leg and cleaned it and bandaged it. It wasn't long before she must have told her friends and word spread. A lot of the children would go and get friends and bring them to me. It was the best feeling in the world. Some of the children had cuts that were already healed but they wanted a band-aid. You better believe that I gave them one too! I can only imagine what that small band-aid means to those precious children.
I am so thankful for all that I have been blessed with. We taught the children bible stories each day. I want them to know who Jesus is but more importantly I want to know that Jesus loves them. My goal for this summer was and still is to constantly give the love that Christ would. I pray that those little boys and girls felt the love of Jesus through me.
We are back in the orphanage for the remainder of the summer. It's only about 2 weeks. I can hardly believe that I have been here for over a month. God has taught me so much in such a short time. I have learned some life lessons this summer. I have seen things that I will never forget. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I hope that I can share my story and encourage others to "Go to the ends of the World" and share Jesus's love!
I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Share His Love Daily! God Bless!


  1. Ashley,

    i have tears in my eyes. This is precious. You have been such a joy to those kids, I can only imagine. I can't wait to hear your stories. I love you. Praying for you! :)

  2. precious sweet girl. you keep giving those bandaids:)
    i love you.
