Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wonderful Blessings

This week has been wonderful. We have been in the orphanage all week. We haven't had much to do, because to our surpise the only children there are the middle schoolers. The other children won't be coming back until the 21st. We weren't expecting that, but it has been nice to have some time to relax and just hang out.
I have really enjoyed this week. I feel like I have truly built relationships with the people in the orphanage. It brightens my day to sit with them. It doesn't matter that I can't speak their language. I can show His love through my presence. Isn't that AWESOME! I am not looking forward to the end of my time here. I am ready to see America, but it is going to be tough to leave my new friends. Please pray that God will give me a strength to depart.
For the past two nights, I along with my Indonesian dictionary, have been sitting on the back porch with the most precious girl, Amena. We have talked about as much as we can, and it has been in Indonesian. I am so thankful that God made her patient, because I have to tell her to wait after every few words. Then, I proceed to look up their meaning in my dictionary. I love every minute of it though. I want to impact this girl's life. I want her to know that she can grow up and live for Christ. It is my prayer that she will see Christ in my team and myself. Please pray for her!
We traveled to the refugee camps at the beginning of the week. We told the story of Christ's death and resurection. I don't know if any of the children made a profession of faith, but we planted those seeds into their hearts. God can take care of the rest!
All of the children will be coming back this weekend. I am pretty excited to see them. My days here are almost to the single digits! WOW! Where has the time gone?! I want to finish out my time here with the utter most happiness. Please pray that I will remain focused on the task at hand, and not on returning home.
***To all my friends out there serving--Continue with your task. Know that I am praying for you! I know that you are doing mighty things- greater than you realize! Love you all! God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for praying for me. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job playing and loving those kids. I miss you! See you soon my dear!
