Monday, March 2, 2009

first blog..

So I have never had a real blog. But, I decided that I could probably use one right now. I found out yesterday that my 86 year old grandfather has a brain tumor. It was the hardest news I have ever heard. It doesn't look good for him. To understand the impact this had on me, you must understand how close my family is. We are a very close family. My mammaw fixes lunch at her house for 10-15 of us every other week. I love my grandparents dearly. If you hurt one of us, then you will get hurt. We stick together. Today has been a tough day. I was with Pappaw when he was admitted to the hospital on Saturday, and I was standing in the hospital room when the doctor gave my father the news last night. My daddy is a strong man, but I know that he is hurting. It's so hard to know what to do or what to say. There are no words that can change the situation. I have cried, and I have prayed, and I have just sat and thought. I want to see Pappaw as much as I can because we don't know how much time he has left. God is my strenght right now. It is so hard to give a burden this big to the Lord. But, I know He will take care of it. God can pick me up and take me through this battle. I love the Lord so much. I don't know how I could live my life without His mercy and grace. Prayer is the only thing that will get my family through this trial. I ask that you would please pray. I am going to try and get some sleep....God bless.



  1. I am praying for you!

    If God brings you to it, he brings you through it!
    Love you!

  2. Hey baby, I think this blog is a great way to work through your feelings. I love you so much!
