Saturday, May 16, 2009

17 days and counting...

So I am sitting at work. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. I am certain that I do not get paided to write my blog, but since there is nothing left to do I thought I would. My church is having a get together tonight for me and Kyle, who is another SM from our church. I am looking forward to seeing my friends from college. I miss the gang a lot! I can't believe that I am leaving for foreign soil in 17 days. It is getting here too fast. I ask myself everyday if I am ready to go and my answer is always the same. How can I be completly ready for the unknown? It's pretty amazing that I am going to experience something like this. I am supposed to be going on a double date with Krista- my partner for the summer- this week. I am pumped about it too. She is a really cool person. Eight weeks together! It's gonna to be something. We also have another team member named Emily. I haven't met her yet. But I will very SOON!!! O my goodness. I hope that I can pack enough days with Thomas in the next two weeks. He is going on a trip on Saturday for a week. ;( I am going to miss him so much this summer. How do you leave your future husband for eight weeks, not knowing when you will talk to him again? Getting on the plane is going to be terrible. It will probably be one of the hardest things I will ever do. But He will be there holding me up. It's going to be a life changing summer. God Bless.

* we have a blog for this summer-- -- check it out! :D


  1. I am so glad that I found your blog. Took me long enough, right?! haha!
    You are such a blessing, I just want you to know. I'm so proud of you for accepting HIS call. He will be with you every single step of the way. Everyday you're homesick, every tear, every JOY, every lost soul that comes to know Him, every doubt, every fear, HE will be there. Can't wait to see you tonight.

  2. It did take you FOREVER!! haha. Last night was so much fun! Love you tons!
